We are formally closing the registered charity Caring for Carers.
Read an important update about Caring for Carers.
Particularly at a time of unprecedented change and uncertainty. We provide a safe, confidential, energising place for one hour - to share, unload and reignite. We run the highly interactive workshops with small break out groups on Zoom.
We now run bespoke Mobile Doctors’ Mess and Nurses' Nexus events for national conferences.
We love the richness that a diverse group brings. `Please write in and express an interest if you would like to offer some time and skills.
I found out about Doctors’ Mess via social media and first attended in late December 2020. I’ve been a regular ever since.
A few things really stood out for me:
- It fulfilled the need of talking about how things were going. This was sadly missing at work due to PPE and limited social contact due to the pandemic.
- The hour achieved so much and there were really useful weekly themes (e.g. Seligman) coupled with breakout rooms.
- Talking with doctors from outside my specialty and from primary care was refreshing and brought new perspectives.
- The experience was confidential and well run by the organisers.
I am pleased to say that discovering Doctors’ Mess has been an unexpected positive during the pandemic.